

How to Staff



Purpose To top of page

The purpose of this workflow detail is to ensure that the product is adequately tested prior to its release.

 The Deployment Manager uses the Configuration Audit Findings to verify that all the necessary software and test platforms, to perform the tests in accordance with the Product Acceptance Plan, are in place. The Tester runs the tests, based on a selected subset of the Test Model, that generate the Test Results. The Deployment Manager reviews the Test Results for anomalies. If there are "show stoppers", the Deployment Manager raises Change Requests that require immediate attention and resolution.

The workflow detail refers to two kinds of test environments. The software build needs to be sufficiently tested in the development test environment, and then re-tested at the target site. The "test environment" should be an "instance" of the target environment and, therefore, tests on the target environment should be a formality for the benefit for the end user. Testing is done on both the development and target platforms. Testing on the development platform is usually done at the "factory", and target platform testing is done "on the customer's site".

How to Staff To top of page

A deployment manager needs to be someone who is aware of the operational needs of the end user and capable of pulling together all the items that go in to making the product. The deployment manager runs the beta test and, in the case of "shrink wrap" products, deals with the manufacturers to ensure that adequate quality is achieved in the product.

The deployment manager "gets the product out there" and, as such, needs to be well versed in the required infrastructure, and user needs, to ensure that the product is available for the users.

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